Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:
About URL Encoder / Decoder
This tool is designed to either encode or decode text string (including URL). Encoding URIs uniformly make them useful worldwide. The process of encoding URLs is called Percentage Encoding and is very useful as it enables you to embedded special characters in URLs. URL encoder is essentially a system that encodes character information in a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
How the Tool Works
The tool follows a two-step process that involves replacing undesirable characters with a percentage sign (%) and two hexadecimal values in that order. Urlencode/urldecode tool associates the broad range of Special characters utilized worldwide into the sixty or so allowed characters in the URI by:
Changing the reserved character string to a series of bytes using method called variable width UTF-8 encoding.
Converting the bytes that are not ASCII digits or letters to a special %HH format; the HH in this new format corresponds to the byte’s hexadecimal value.
How Do you use urlencode/urldecode tool?
The tool starts working immediately you add your text string, query string or URL to the space provided above. After entering your text in the box, click on the submit button and our tool will quickly do the necessary and output URI encode almost immediately. It is useful when you are converting encoded JS URL containing slightly readable text string into a more comprehensible text. Even for the occasions when the URL contains a non-alpha numeric character our tool encodes it uniformly.
Reserved Characters
Reserved characters are exclamation mark(!) hash (#), Dollar sign( $) ampersand (&) apostrophe (brackets () asterisk (*) Plus sign(+), comma(,) backslash(/) full colon(:)
semi-colon (;), equal sign(=), question marks(?), at sign(@) square and square brackets [].
If any of the special characters above has a special purpose called a reserved purpose in a given context and a URI system indicates that the same character should be used for a different purpose, then the character has to be percent-encoded. This process involves translating the character into its equivalent ASCII value followed by representing the resulting value using two hexadecimal digits. So, to encode any URL, use our Online Urlencode/urldecode Tool; it also decodes URIs.