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About Page Speed Checker
A website speed test is crucial for any website, be it an online marketing website, blog, e- commerce site, personal, political, consultation website etc. From a search engine optimization perspective, page load time is of great importance. Page load time is the time in average that a page takes to show up on the screen. Better speed sites benefit more and traffic than the slower ones. As a matter of fact, a second’s delay in page loading time causes seven percent conversion and an eleven percent fewer page views. Page speed is vital to the user as well. When the page load time is higher, the bounce rate is also high and this may cause the user to close the page right before it loads.
When Google launched mobile- first index, one of the factors that emerged for ranking high was page speed. Thus, major search engines i.e. Yahoo, Bing, Google, and other key players evidently take note of your web page’s speed. If you want your page to rank first on the various search engines, you will need to work on your speed –among other factors such as SEO, content creation, market targeting, online engagement, and other various factors. However, having the right speed will boost you on the right path.
Our free website speed test ensures that you recognize the pages’ element that is fast, slow, and the size. This allows that the webmasters and developers track easily that very element and optimizes it effectively.
The website’s page size can also increase the page load time since the longer the page, the higher the page load time shall be. Using our free website speed test checker tool, you can test your website for free. One can optimize their site by the use of our browser cache techniques such as, laverage caching, expiry headers and enable entity tags.